StoreBrescia furniture store and design

Address and telephone numbers

Via Brescia 58 – Sirmione Bs
Tel.0039/030 9904372

Opening hours

“Attention! We inform you that our store is temporarily closed due to adverse weather conditions. We apologize for the inconvenience and will do our best to reopen as soon as possible. For appointment requests, please contact Luigi Ferrario at 348/2267914.”

From Tuesday to Saturday : 10.00-12.30 / 15.00-19.30

Showroom philosophy

Brescia furniture store and design :

The showroom, extending on an area of approximately 3,000 square meters, is located at the entrance of Sirmione, famous thermal and historic destination. The tourist vocation of the place necessarily influences the product we offer.

Our customers are, in fact, not only local but also international and they all appreciate the finest “Made in Italy” both for their main house and for their house on the lake where they usually spend their holidays.

Come to our shop
